Monday, June 20, 2011
// just type here
// and click "save" when your done
//this is going to be the main stage - the black blob biological asteroid game
// tribute game to Ira Greenberg and Springy Dude, from Creative Coding
Hero myHero1;
Asteroid[] asteroid;
int totalAsteroids = 0;
void setup() {
size (500, 500);
asteroid = new Asteroid[40];
myHero1 = new Hero(color(255,0,0), 0, 100);
void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<asteroid.length; i++) {
asteroid[totalAsteroids] = new Asteroid(color(i, i*50, i*50, i*10), i*1);
if (totalAsteroids >= asteroid.length) {
totalAsteroids = 0;
for (int i=0; i<totalAsteroids; i++) {
if (myHero1.intersect(asteroid[i])) {
myHero1.highlight(0, 0, 200);
class Asteroid {
float ellipseSpeed;
float x, y;
color ellipseCol;
float r;
Asteroid(color tempC, int tempEllipseSpeed) {
ellipseCol = (tempC);
ellipseSpeed = tempEllipseSpeed;
x = width;
y = random(0, height);
r = 8;
void drawAsteroid() {
for (int i = 2; i < r; i++) {
ellipse(x+random(0,6)*4, y+i*4, r, r);
void moveAsteroid() {
x -= ellipseSpeed;
ellipseSpeed = ellipseSpeed * 0.75;
// void explodeAsteroid()
class Hero {
float centerX, centerY;
float radius, rotAngle;
float accelX, accelY;
float springing, damping;
int nodes;
float nodeStartX[];
float nodeStartY[];
float nodeX[];
float nodeY[];
float angle[];
float frequency[];
float organicConstant;
color c;
Hero(color tempC, float tempXpos, float tempYpos) {
c = tempC;
radius = 30;
rotAngle = -90;
accelX = 5;
accelY = 5;
springing = .0085;
damping = .98;
//corner nodes
nodes = 5;
nodeStartX = new float[nodes];
nodeStartY = new float[nodes];
nodeX = new float[nodes];
nodeY = new float[nodes];
angle = new float[nodes];
frequency = new float[nodes];
//soft body dynamics
organicConstant = 1;
centerX = tempXpos;
centerY = tempYpos;
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
frequency[i] = random(5,12);
void drawShape() {
//calculate node starting points
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
nodeStartX[i] = centerX+cos(radians(rotAngle))*radius;
nodeStartY[i] = centerY+sin(radians(rotAngle))*radius;
rotAngle += 360.0/nodes;
//draw polygon
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
curveVertex(nodeX[i], nodeY[i]);
for (int i=0; i<nodes-1; i++) {
curveVertex(nodeX[i], nodeY[i]);
void moveShape() {
//move center point
float deltaX = mouseX-centerX;
float deltaY = mouseY-centerY;
//create springing effect
deltaX *= springing;
deltaY *= springing;
accelX += deltaX;
accelY += deltaY;
//move polygon center
centerX += accelX;
centerY += accelY;
//slow down springing
accelX *= damping;
accelY *= damping;
//change curve tightness
organicConstant = 1-((abs(accelX)+abs(accelY))*.1);
//move nodes
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
nodeX[i] = nodeStartX[i]+sin(radians(angle[i]))*(accelX*2);
nodeY[i] = nodeStartY[i]+sin(radians(angle[i]))*(accelY*2);
angle[i] += frequency[i];
void highlight(int hX, int hY, int hR) {
int highColor = color(120, 150, 180);
hX = int(centerX);
hY = int(centerY);
ellipse(hX, hY, hR, hR);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/2, hX - hR/2);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/4, hX - hR/4);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/8, hX - hR/8);
//ellipse(hX, hY , hR/2, hR/2);
//if (hR > 8){
// highlight(hX + hR/2, hY, hR/2);
// highlight(hX - hR/2, hY, hR/2);
// highlight(hX, hY + hR/2, hR/2);
// highlight(hX, hY - hR/2, hR/2);
boolean intersect(Asteroid d) {
float distance = dist(centerX, centerY, d.x, d.y);
if (distance < radius + d.r) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// and click "save" when your done
//this is going to be the main stage - the black blob biological asteroid game
// tribute game to Ira Greenberg and Springy Dude, from Creative Coding
Hero myHero1;
Asteroid[] asteroid;
int totalAsteroids = 0;
void setup() {
size (500, 500);
asteroid = new Asteroid[40];
myHero1 = new Hero(color(255,0,0), 0, 100);
void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<asteroid.length; i++) {
asteroid[totalAsteroids] = new Asteroid(color(i, i*50, i*50, i*10), i*1);
if (totalAsteroids >= asteroid.length) {
totalAsteroids = 0;
for (int i=0; i<totalAsteroids; i++) {
if (myHero1.intersect(asteroid[i])) {
myHero1.highlight(0, 0, 200);
class Asteroid {
float ellipseSpeed;
float x, y;
color ellipseCol;
float r;
Asteroid(color tempC, int tempEllipseSpeed) {
ellipseCol = (tempC);
ellipseSpeed = tempEllipseSpeed;
x = width;
y = random(0, height);
r = 8;
void drawAsteroid() {
for (int i = 2; i < r; i++) {
ellipse(x+random(0,6)*4, y+i*4, r, r);
void moveAsteroid() {
x -= ellipseSpeed;
ellipseSpeed = ellipseSpeed * 0.75;
// void explodeAsteroid()
class Hero {
float centerX, centerY;
float radius, rotAngle;
float accelX, accelY;
float springing, damping;
int nodes;
float nodeStartX[];
float nodeStartY[];
float nodeX[];
float nodeY[];
float angle[];
float frequency[];
float organicConstant;
color c;
Hero(color tempC, float tempXpos, float tempYpos) {
c = tempC;
radius = 30;
rotAngle = -90;
accelX = 5;
accelY = 5;
springing = .0085;
damping = .98;
//corner nodes
nodes = 5;
nodeStartX = new float[nodes];
nodeStartY = new float[nodes];
nodeX = new float[nodes];
nodeY = new float[nodes];
angle = new float[nodes];
frequency = new float[nodes];
//soft body dynamics
organicConstant = 1;
centerX = tempXpos;
centerY = tempYpos;
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
frequency[i] = random(5,12);
void drawShape() {
//calculate node starting points
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
nodeStartX[i] = centerX+cos(radians(rotAngle))*radius;
nodeStartY[i] = centerY+sin(radians(rotAngle))*radius;
rotAngle += 360.0/nodes;
//draw polygon
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
curveVertex(nodeX[i], nodeY[i]);
for (int i=0; i<nodes-1; i++) {
curveVertex(nodeX[i], nodeY[i]);
void moveShape() {
//move center point
float deltaX = mouseX-centerX;
float deltaY = mouseY-centerY;
//create springing effect
deltaX *= springing;
deltaY *= springing;
accelX += deltaX;
accelY += deltaY;
//move polygon center
centerX += accelX;
centerY += accelY;
//slow down springing
accelX *= damping;
accelY *= damping;
//change curve tightness
organicConstant = 1-((abs(accelX)+abs(accelY))*.1);
//move nodes
for (int i=0; i<nodes; i++) {
nodeX[i] = nodeStartX[i]+sin(radians(angle[i]))*(accelX*2);
nodeY[i] = nodeStartY[i]+sin(radians(angle[i]))*(accelY*2);
angle[i] += frequency[i];
void highlight(int hX, int hY, int hR) {
int highColor = color(120, 150, 180);
hX = int(centerX);
hY = int(centerY);
ellipse(hX, hY, hR, hR);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/2, hX - hR/2);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/4, hX - hR/4);
ellipse(hX, hY, hX - hR/8, hX - hR/8);
//ellipse(hX, hY , hR/2, hR/2);
//if (hR > 8){
// highlight(hX + hR/2, hY, hR/2);
// highlight(hX - hR/2, hY, hR/2);
// highlight(hX, hY + hR/2, hR/2);
// highlight(hX, hY - hR/2, hR/2);
boolean intersect(Asteroid d) {
float distance = dist(centerX, centerY, d.x, d.y);
if (distance < radius + d.r) {
return true;
else {
return false;
submitted by:
sevenspiral1views: 1303
A tribute to Ira Greenberg, written mostly in a Peterborough coffee shop, so perhaps should also be dedicated to coffee

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