Thursday, July 23, 2009

random Animator

int lastTime;
int currentFrame;
PImage[] frames;

boolean startedCOUNTDOWN;
int time_START;
int countdown;
int STATE;
int randomSTATE;
int randomCOUNTDOWN;

float inc_01, inc_02, inc_03, inc_04;

int decrement;

int currentSTATE;

void setup()
  size(800, 600);

startedCOUNTDOWN = false;
lastTime = 0;
currentFrame = 0;
currentSTATE = 1;
frames = new PImage[24];

   for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
    frames[i] = get(); // Create a blank frame

  inc_01 = 0.0;
  inc_02 = 0.0;
  inc_03 = 0.0;
  inc_04 = 0.0;

void draw() {
  int currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime > lastTime+30) {
    lastTime = currentTime;

 inc_01 = (inc_01+0.5)%60;
 inc_02 = (inc_01+1)%200;
 inc_03 = (inc_01+0.1)%10;
 inc_04 = (inc_01+3)%99;
if (currentSTATE == 1){   
     if (mousePressed == true) {
       translate(mouseX, mouseY);
       rect(0, 0, 30-inc_01,10-inc_03);
       if(countdown == -1){
if (currentSTATE == 2){
    if(countdown <= 3 && countdown >=0){
      if (mousePressed == true) {
        rect(mouseX, mouseY, 30-inc_04,40-inc_02);
   if(countdown == -1){


if (currentSTATE == 3){
    if(countdown <= 3 && countdown >=0){
      if (mousePressed == true) {
          translate(mouseX, mouseY);
          rect(0, 0, 60-inc_04,10-inc_03);
   if(countdown == -1){


if (currentSTATE == 4){
    if(countdown <= 3 && countdown >=0){
      if (mousePressed == true) {
          translate(mouseX, mouseY);
          rect(0, 0, 10-inc_02/3,15-inc_04);
   if(countdown == -1){



//________________GOING TO NEXT STATE____________________________
void nextSTATE(){

  startedCOUNTDOWN = false; //stop COUNTDOWN from previous screen
  if (currentSTATE == 5){
    currentSTATE = 1;

void nextFrame()
  frames[currentFrame] = get(); // Get the display window
  currentFrame++; // Increment to next frame
  if (currentFrame >= frames.length) {
    currentFrame = 0;
  image(frames[currentFrame], 0, 0);

void countdownFunction (int time_TOTAL){
  if(startedCOUNTDOWN == false ){
    startedCOUNTDOWN = true;
    time_START = millis();
  int time_CURRENT = millis();
  countdown = int(time_TOTAL - (time_CURRENT - time_START)/1000);

info info

submitted by: ric_lmc
views: 2362
Click and drag the mouse to create an animation. This sketch is based on a set of looping frames on which we rewrite shapes which are slighly changing, both in their colour as well as in their shape and rotation.

Tags: animation, animator

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