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/** * by Evan Rakob AKA PixelPusher * // http://pixelist.info **/ // push the mouse to see it in action // this will be the lag variable float drag = 0.0; int maxRows = 2; int maxCols = 40; void setup() { size(480, 270); colorMode(HSB); drag = 0.0; maxRows = 2; maxCols = 40; } // When the mouse is pressed, jump our lag variable to its high value void mouseReleased() { drag = 6.0; } void draw() { background(80); // clear screen to gray noStroke(); // every time we draw, decrease our lag variable by some percent (the higher the value, // the slower the decrease drag *= 0.92; // the easy way: //int mx = (int) (drag * map(mouseX, 0, width, 1, 30)); // a bit more straightforward: int mx = 4 + (int) (maxCols * drag * (float)mouseX/(float)width + 1); float interval = (float)width/mx; for (int b=0; b < maxRows; b++) { // draw some alternating lines on the screen for (int c=0; c < mx; c++) { if (b % 2 == 0) fill(190.0 * c/(mx-1), 220, 200); else fill(190.0 - 190.0 * c/(mx-1), 220, 200); rect(c*interval, b*height/maxRows, interval, (b+1)*height/maxRows); } } }
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Push the mouse button to see the colors "snap" back. This was an example sketch from one of my classes in Interactive Art on the Digital Screen Arts course at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham (UK) http://ucreative.ac.uk